• How to Set Intentions Based on the Phases of the Moon

    How to Set Intentions Based on the Phases of the Moon
    Live by the sun, love by the moon. There is something magical, mystical and even soothing about seeing the moon hang gently in the night sky. It reminds us that we are part of something much bigger and that there is a possibly infinite universe extending far beyond the world in which we live. We hear ya - it’s pretty trippy stuff! The moon...
  • The benefits of using a clay mask and how it can improve your skin health

    Astral babes know that treating your skin with the love it deserves means you’ll glow with radiance, regardless of the season. Sometimes though, your skin needs a little extra boost, no matter how much daily TLC you give it. If you’re studying, travelling a lot, or you’re a Girl Boss who is just always on the go, chances are your skin will need a...
  • How to Set-Up and Use a Crystal Grid

    How to Set-Up and Use a Crystal Grid Crystals are a fantastic way of manifesting your intentions. Whether you’re shooting for the stars or just trying to focus your mind on an achievable goal, using crystals to find guidance is a sure fire way to get your energy vibe’n. Now, trust us when we say: we know a lot of people out there think...
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