Fairy Medicine Oracle Deck
Exclusive to Astral Collective 🧚 This beautiful deck by Maritza Luna Moreno will help you connect with the medicine and wisdom of the fairies.   This deck is all about the teachings of the fairies the Earth, her elements and other magical...
$30.00 $18.00
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Moon Oracle Deck
$22.00 $5.00
Moon Oracle Deck
Moon Oracle Deck | Sacred Self Care With The Moon   For rituals, self-care, daily motivation and intuitive guidance.  This Deck and it's bespoke art was created to guide you through simple rituals and actions of self-care. Drawing on the phases...
$22.00 $5.00
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Hanged Man Aromatherapy Roller
This gorgeous tarot inspired aromatherapy roller by Spirit Element brings in the energy of the Hanged Man.   The Hanged Man shows us that there are other ways to look at things if you are stuck, be patient and your path...
$18.00 $5.00
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Tarot 101 Course (Digital)
This course is an introduction to Tarot. Astral Online Courses are created for women to learn more about what they are truly capable of, and bring a little magic into your everyday life. Because what we do daily creates our dream...
$22.00 $9.00
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Stress Reduction Essentials Deck
Stress Reduction Essentials  is a stress-reduction toolkit in card form. These are the essential tools you need to redefine your stress. This set will help you refine your intuition and self-confidence, as well as reduce stress, panic as and anxiety. This set works in the moment at the...
$26.00 $9.00
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Beginners Guide To Reading Tarot
Tarot is a wonderful tool for self reflection, meditation and working with your intuition. It can help you in moments of emotional overwhelm to ground yourself and sort through your own thoughts. It can also help you set a new...
$22.00 $9.00
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