• Numerology 5 year - what does this mean?

    Ending your year IN JOYIt's nearing the end of another year. In Numerology this was a 5 year (2+0+2+1) and 5 is all about change. Most of the world has been affected by Covid and a lot of changes have been happening. Some good, some not so good …. everyone's experiences will be different. With a new year comes new intentions but before we...
  • Gua Sha: a spiritual self-care must have 😍

    Have you ever wondered what all the hype about using a Gua Sha was about?Once we knew, we were hooked on incorporating this into our daily spiritual self-care routine. Despite it being seen as a trendy facial massage tool, it’s roots are actually linked to an ancient Chinese healing technique. As all our Astral Tribe know - we love spiritual experiences so this one...
  • Beautiful Morning Ritual to Empower your Day and Change your Life ⭐

    The way we start our day can often hold the energy of how the rest of our day will continue. Try this ritual when you wake up to set yourself up for the day ahead.  Give yourself time to welcome your mind, body and soul into the day.  Set your alarm 5 minutes earlier to allow this ritual to take place.   Wake up...
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