Stress Reduction Essentials Deck
Stress Reduction Essentials is a stress-reduction toolkit in card form. These are the essential tools you need to redefine your stress. This set will help you refine your intuition and self-confidence, as well as reduce stress, panic as and anxiety. This set works in the moment at the first signs of stress, and on the long term, when introduced as a daily practice. When stress, anxiety, or panic arises, this deck will be your go-to toolkit. Your set will be a reminder that you have what it takes inside you to master yourself.
Use this set to prevent the momentum of stress, getting a grip on you. At the first signs of stress, get your deck, pick your card, and trust your intuition. Your intuition has guided you to this particular practice. Through practice, you will begin to build trust between you and your inner guidance. Instead of running a loop of stress, working with this set will be your sacred practice of remembering that you have all the answers within you. You can reduce stress, panic, and anxiety on your own and in the moment.
In this exquisite deck, biofeedback specialist Willow Rose Gahm, eResonance, and global female artists have provided you with the essential tools to redefine your stress. These tricks will help guide you back to your own self-knowledge and awareness.
eArt2020 is the collaboration of 41 female artists worldwide who have come together to support you in your journey and remind you, you are not alone.
Card Size: 89mm by 50mm