25 Magical Uses for Rose Petals
We added some Rose Petals to your Love Box, mainly because it’s romantic AF and you deserve that in your life, but instead of throwing them away here’s 25 Magical uses for them, have fun and let us know the magic making goes...
- Use them in a Love Goddess Bath
- Carry them to attract love
- Add them to a sleep sachet to promote sweet dreams
- Candy the rose petals to give to a lover
- Use them to honour the Goddess Aphrodite
- Use them to honour the Goddess Isis
- Use them to represent the planet Venus
- Use them to honour the Virgin Mary
- Use them to represent The Goddess
- Use in a spell jar for attracting romance
- Use them in dream pillows to cause romantic dreams
- Use them in spells for healing
- Use them in glamour spells
- Make a glamour-charged rosewater spray (You already have one! Kakara Rose Mist)
- Preserve them in candles for love spells
- Make Rose Potpourri
- Make a magical tea to encourage sexy times
- Use them in romance divination
- Use the petals as altar confetti
- Use them to honour Sappho
- Burn them and use the ashes to break off ties with ex-lovers
- Apply them to the skin to wear on Sabbats (rose mist)
- Use the petals as confetti for celebrations & Sabbats
- Use the petals to cast circles